HEAL FORCE Struck New Poses on Medicall 2016
With its newly launched high-end Anesthesia Machine Anaeston-6000 and OT Light TopSUN-7060, Heal Force struck new poses on the stage of MEDICALL exhibition in Chennai during 22-24, July, and attracted flows of audience and local media.
Local mediae, hospital users and potential business partners have shown much interest not only on the new innovative products, but also the company vision, concept and history of Heal Force.
There has been some of the exciting highlights among the new products shown at the Heal Force booth.
TopSUN-7060 has released its eye-catching features like CT Adjustment, Synchronized Control, IR Control, and Lighting Compensation.
Anaeston-6000 has also attracted lots of attention by its aesthetic and amazing designs, such as built-in ventilation circuit and electronic flowmeter.
The healthcare products are also visited by an endless stream of fans.
If you are interested in our new solutions about OT, ICU, and home healthcare, please visit http://www.ctiha.cn or directly send your inquiry email to healforceindia@gmail.com.We are sincerely looking forward to your message.